Discontinuation Syndrome

By Cassandra Manuel, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

I wake at the bottom.

I’m drowning, though I rise.

I’m clawing to the surface, though

I don’t want to survive.

It’s not because the surface keeps moving far away

Or that I’m too tired to fight the oceans sway. 

I claw from muscle memory,

from stronger, hopeful days

when the sun, within my reach

said death was not today.

When its shine was strong enough to warm the shallow blues.

I claw through all these memories

knowing I will lose.

They shred apart to pieces as my heart bursts in my chest.

Anchoring to the bottom

my body, now lifeless.

Cassandra Manuel

Cassandra Manuel was born in the Northern California Bay Area. She joined the USAF in 2013, where she was trained as a materiel management specialist. When not learning how to process logistic orders and operating heavy machinery, she spent her time reading and writing fanfiction, being the lone sober witness to her friends’ hilarious drunken escapades, and wrestling with her sense of self in and out of military uniform. She (still) enjoys reading and writing fanfiction, online crafting/survival games, and baking dishes seen in popular movies and television shows.



